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 John Faller


John Faller

LaPorte, Indiana circa 1854-1885

A silversmith who had worked in New York for many years, John Faller arrive in LaPorte about the year 1855. He had apparently also worked in Michigan immediately prior to his arrival in LaPorte, for his second youngest daughter was born in that state. John Faller was a native of Lubec (Germany), born circa 1806. By 1866, John Faller was in business with his son Charles, the business being called John Faller & Son. This arrangement lasted until about 1885, at which time his son Charles O. Faller succeeded his father in the business. The firm C.O. Faller was still in business in LaPorte in 1895.

1854-    1885

LaPorte, Indiana

(1) Dinner Fork, 7.75 inches, engraved: Sabin

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