Thomas P. Emerson
Thomas P. Emerson
Lafayette, Indiana circa 1855-1871
A jeweler and silversmith, Thomas Emerson was working in Lafayette as early as 1857. He was a native of New Hampshire, and apparently arrived in Indiana with a substantial amount of capital, for in 1860 the Federal Census for Tippecanoe County showed that he had assets of some eleven thousand dollars. He became a leading jeweler in Lafayette and his shop flourished there at least until 1871. Silver spoons bearing the mark of T.P. Emerson are extant and were likely made by his establishment.
1855- 1871
Lafayette, Indiana
THOMAS P. EMERSON SILVER DESCRIPTIONS COMPOSITION: COIN SILVER (1) Teaspoon, 5 inches (4) Teaspoons, 5.625 inches, engraved: I.E.L. (1) Dessert spoon, 6.325 inches, engraved: R.T.G. (1) Tablespoon, 7.5 inches, engraved: I.B. (1) Sugar shell spoon, 6.325 inches, engraved: Clara (1) Butter knife, 7.125 inches, twist handle, decorated, engraved: D.M.C. (See Bacon: 1 identical, compantion Tablespoon, 8.5 inches, engraved: M.R.